Information and Media Outreach Cell
IIT Kanpur

Institute Lecture Series
31 October, 2023
An Institute Lecture is being organized on October 31, 2023 (Tuesday) at 5:30 pm in L-1, (LHC) by Dr. Renu Mehra, Vice President of Engineering, Synopsys, Inc.
Title of Talk: “Semiconductors: Fueling our Future”
Electronic systems are penetrating every aspect of our lives from personal entertainment, homes, and workplaces, to healthcare and smart cities. These systems are powered by tiny semiconductor chips that can process massive amounts of data and perform complex calculations. Over the past 50 years semi-conductor technology has been fueled by Moore's law that resulted in doubling the number of transistors on a chip every few years while the overall energy density remained constant through Dennard scaling. These two principles resulted in huge advancements in the compute power of the tiny semiconductor chip and made possible the era of smart devices that we live in.
How did semiconductor technology achieve such remarkable feats? What are the principles and challenges behind creating these chips? And how can one join this exciting field of innovation? This talk will answer these questions and more by taking the audience behind the scenes of semiconductor design including what semiconductors are, where they are used, and how they are made. The speaker will describe the fascinating process of transforming a concept into a final silicon product.