Information and Media Outreach Cell

IIT Kanpur

Shasyotsav was celebrated at the Campus School to commemorate International Year of Millets 2023

28 February, 2023

Shasyotsav (Harvest festival) was celebrated at the Campus School IIT Kanpur on Feb 27 to commemorate International Year of Millets 2023. The festival was celebrated with an objective to create awareness among the students regarding the nutritional value of millets and providing a healthy substitute of junk food. 

The event was inaugurated by Prof. Braj Bhushan, DOAD IIT Kanpur along with Prof. Neeraj Sinha PI, CSGB. achla josan, Principal Campus school welcomed the august gathering and shared that it is a matter of pride for Indians to lead the initiative as the United Nations declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets following a proposal by India.