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IIT Kanpur

IITK & UCSC have signed an MoU for collaborations for joint research activities.
14 Jun, 2023 | IITK News
IIT Kanpur hosted Dr. Cynthia Larive, Chancellor, UC Santa Cruz (UCSC) who was accompanied by Ms. Becky George, Assistant Vice Provost of Global Engagement, Ms. Michelle Whittingham, Associate Vice Chancellor of Enrollment Management; Mr. John Pine, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Alumni Relations, Ms. Anna Finn, Associate Chancellor.
The institute & UCSC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today for collaborations including exchange of faculty & students, joint research activities, exchange of academic publications and short-term programs/visits. From IIT Kanpur, Prof. Abhay Karandikar, Director, was joined by Prof. S Ganesh, Deputy Director, Prof. Dhirendra Katti, Dean of International Relations; Prof. AR Harish, Dean of R&D; Prof. Kantesh Balani, Dean of Resources & Alumni; Prof. Shalabh Shalabh, Dean, Academic Affairs, Prof. R Sankararamakrishnan, Department of Biological Sciences and Bioengineering, Prof. Mainak Chaudhuri, Department of Computer Science and Engineering.
It was pleasure having our alumnus Dr. Rajeev Ranjan, President IITK Foundation USA, who was visiting Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, also joining the event of MoU signing ceremony.