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IIT Kanpur

4th edition of symposium

12 Jul, 2023 | IITK News

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering, #IITKanpur, organized the 4th edition of its annual student symposium, "Padarth (Research Scholar Day) 2023", highlighting the advances in materials science while encouraging research scholars to present their recent findings, exchange ideas, and foster collaborations. Prof. Animangsu Ghatak delivered a lecture on ‘Role of Hierarchical surface structure on adhesion’, workshops and hands-on tutorials in machine learning in materials science, and density functional theory were organized by Research Scholars, Mr. Owais Ahmad, Mr. Nikhil Chaurasia, Mrs. Saumya Ranjan Jha, and Mr. @Albert Linda, and the event witnessed enthusiastic participation in the events such as oral presentations, poster presentations, workshops, materials science quizzes, and a metallography competition.